
Grand Celebration of 78th Independence Day at SPU Campus

Sikkim Professional University celebrated the 78th Independence Day with great fervor and zeal. The programme started with Flag Hoisting by Vice Chancellor of Sikkim Professional University, Prof. (Dr.) Hardeo Singh Yadav followed by National Anthem by the Students, Faculty  members, Staff, invitees and guests of the SPU. After the flag hoisting, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor Prof. (Dr.) Hardeo Singh Yadav addressed the gathering highlighting the theme of the day as Achieving the national goal of Viksit Bharat soon.

The Vice Chancellor recalled the struggle of freedom fighters and all the citizen who sacrificed their life and suffered during movement for Azadi.  He emphasized the role of young generation under the guidance of New Education Policy – 2020, which is focused on Professional Education, involving skill development, Kaushal Vikash and Indian Knowledge System in addition to formal teaching and Learning process as prescribed curriculum. VC encouraged students and all stake holders of SPU to join hands in nation building with mutual trust, cooperation with peace and progressive mind set to integrate our endeavors leading to visible progress towards quality education, healthy environment with prosperous economy of our country. Prof. Yadav emphasised that the our country has huge and wide range of biodiversity and rich impetus for our lovely hood full of all resources to harness and grow to pave the way to be the concern and attraction of the whole world. We all need to contribute to build our nation economically atmanirbhar and Samarth Bharat.

On this occasion, the gracious presence of  Principals of Sikkim Professional College of Nursing, Sikkim Professional College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Sikkim Professional College of Physiotherapy, Sikkim Professional College of Allied Health Sciences and Sikkim Professional College of Arts and Sciences, faculty and staff members was loudly appreciated by The Vice Chancellor. The celebration was then followed by a cultural programme with students and staff performing their talents through dances, patriotic songs and speeches. The program concluded with a sweet distribution session, congratulating each members of Sikkim Professional University family for the glorious day.